eu.bac Press-release – Construction Sector Action Plan
Upping energy efficiency in buildings is one of the most cost-effective instruments in order to achieve prodigious energy savings, to cut CO2 emission, but also to boost growth, to create local non-exportable jobs and to increase the competitiveness of European sectors, including construction” highlighted Peter Hug, Managing Director of the European Building Automation and Controls Association (eu.bac). As such, eu.bac welcomes the Construction Sector Action Plan, adopted on the 31-07-2012 by the European Commission. Of particular importance to eu.bac is the focus on both on short-term and medium-term to long-term goals. eu.bac has fought hard for the inclusion of long-term building renovation roadmaps in the Directive on energy efficiency that was recently endorsed by the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, which we believe will have a substantial impact once drafted and implemented at national level.
Other Directives, of which the positive impacts we are much closer to reaping, should however not be forgotten. Such an example is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU), which a significant number of Member States still have to implement properly, despite the 9th of July 2012 deadline. Properly implementing this Directive by for example enforcing building energy codes is a low-hanging fruit that all Member States should pick as quickly as possible in order to be able to reap the benefits the EPBD promised in terms of increasing energy efficiency in buildings and stimulating the construction sector.
We also look with interest at the proposed scheme for small renovation projects with contractual guarantees of building performances and how this could be applied to the residential sector, as well as the reference to ensuring that public authorities ensure the integration of active energy management and smart metering in renovation. eu.esco, the European Association of Energy Service Companies, which was founded by eu.bac in 2009, stands ready to share its expertise and best cases both from the European Union and from further afield.
Construction contractors and installers of technical building equipment must work hand in hand in order to guarantee sustainable and competitive buildings in the long run. In this case, energy management plays a vital role as buildings will in the near future have the role of a prosumer, including consumption, production and storage of energy while providing a healthy and supportive indoor climate.
Building automation and controls are tried and tested technologies, which are already available on the market, that are cost-efficient and that have short pay-back times (3 to 5 years). Furthermore, the potential reduction with the introduction of building automation and controls in thermal and electrical energy consumption is substantial across all building types.
eu.bac is looking forward to working with the European Commission and other stakeholders as a sectoral representative in the High Level Forum, as well as in other relevant, thematic groups. The good will and ideas are certainly present. Let’s ensure they do not stay on the drawing board.
About eu.bac
eu.bac is the European Building Automation and Controls Association. It represents some 95% of the European manufacturers of products for home and building automation. For a full and updated overview of our membership, please see
More importantly, eu.bac members’ products and services manage over half of the energy demand in the European Union, reducing waste, reducing demand and increasing efficiency. By providing distributed intelligence, eu.bac members’ products and services ensure that the built environment is ready and able to respond to smart grid signals, demands and supplies.
eu.bac, has developed its own robust certification scheme, eu.bac CERT, which assures that technologies (products and systems) in the area of building automation and controls are in conformity with European Directives and with European Standards. The eu.bac CERT mark is the symbol that represents energy efficiency, quality and reliability.